Demanding the Best for Yourself: A New Year

As the new year unfolds, many of us find ourselves reflecting on the past and contemplating the future. In this pursuit of self-improvement, the words of the ancient philosopher Epictetus resonate profoundly: "How long are you going to wait before you demand the best for yourself?" These words, spoken centuries ago, carry timeless wisdom that is particularly relevant when applied to our health and fitness journey in the year 2024.

Epictetus challenges us to question our commitment to personal excellence and growth. The call to demand the best for oneself is a call to embrace the discriminations of reason. In the realm of health and fitness, this translates to acknowledging the principles that contribute to well-being and committing to them unwaveringly.

The Principles of Health and Fitness:

In the pursuit of optimal health, there are fundamental principles that one must endorse. These include regular physical activity, a balanced and nutritious diet, sufficient rest, and mental well-being. Epictetus reminds us that we have been given these principles, and it is our responsibility to endorse and live by them.

Epictetus draws a clear line between childhood and adulthood, urging us to transition from a state of carelessness and laziness to that of a full-grown individual making progress. In the context of health and fitness, this means taking ownership of our well-being. Procrastination and deferring self-improvement are detrimental to progress and may result in living an ordinary, rather than an extraordinary, life.

Taking Ownership of Your Progress:

To heed Epictetus' wisdom in the realm of health and fitness is to live as a grown-up who is actively making progress. Resolving to make principles such as regular exercise, a healthy diet, and self-care non-negotiable establishes a framework for sustainable growth. The commitment to these principles becomes a law that one never sets aside, regardless of the challenges faced.

Epictetus compares life to the Olympic Games, emphasizing that the contest is now, not later. Similarly, the journey to better health is a daily, ongoing event. Each day is a chance to make progress or regress, and the choices we make concerning our health contribute to the overall outcome. The urgency of the moment is a reminder that waiting for the "perfect" time is a luxury we cannot afford.

Embracing Reason in Health:

Epictetus extols the virtues of Socrates, who attended to nothing except reason in everything he encountered. Applying this principle to health and fitness involves making informed decisions, relying on evidence-based practices, and prioritizing well-being over shortcuts or fads. By embracing reason, one can navigate the complexities of the modern wellness landscape and make choices that contribute to lasting health.

As we embark on the journey of the new year, let Epictetus' words serve as a guide to demand the best for ourselves in the realm of health and fitness. By living as grown-ups making progress, embracing reason, and acknowledging the urgency of the present moment, we can cultivate a life of vitality, resilience, and fulfillment. In 2024, let your commitment to health be a testament to your dedication to living a life that transcends the ordinary.