How To Optimize Your Mindset For Fitness Success

Successful fitness and fat loss for that matter aren't just about eating less and working out more. If it was that simple, you'd already be in top shape. The right mindset, on the other hand, can make all the difference. Just think about how many people eat clean 24/7 and hit the gym daily with little results.


Fitness is a lifestyle, not a quick fad. How you feel about it can mean the difference between success and failure. Here are some tips to get into the right mindset for successful fat loss:


Aim for Consistency over Perfection


When it comes to health and fitness, consistency always wins. Think about it. If you go on a diet or start an exercise program just to quit a few weeks later, your efforts will be in vain. Even if you reach the desired weight, the pounds will return in no time.


Don't expect your diet and workout plan to be perfect. Be consistent with your choices and make it a lifestyle. It may take longer to get results, but they will last.


Appreciate Different Forms of Progress


When you begin to eat and train for fat loss, your body composition changes. Strength and lean mass increases, while body fat levels drop. At the same time, your health will improve from one week to the next.


Learn to appreciate these changes. They reflect your progress and the effort you put in.


If you're looking  for some different ways to measure progress, check out our article:

3 Ways To Measure Progress That Aren't The Scale


Don't Let Setbacks Steal Your Goal


Like it or not, fat loss isn't going to be easy. You’ll give up and start all over more than once. You're human, after all. The key is to be consistent and stick to your plan rather than letting setbacks steal your goal.


Research actually shows that athletes who have experienced adversity perform better under pressure. This applies to the average person too.


Start Now - Don't Wait


The longer you wait to change your lifestyle habits, the harder you'll find it to reach your goals. You never know what comes along the way.


Stop finding excuses and start today! A few weeks from now on, you'll be grateful for making this choice.



No Severe Restrictions


Restrictive diets and strenuous workouts are a recipe for failure. They hurt your motivation as well as your health and overall progress.


Having a treat every now and then is unlikely to cause any harm. As long as you stick to your plan most of the time, you’ll be one step closer to your goals.


Be Patient


More than 95 percent of dieters fail. Unrealistic expectations are often the culprit. It took you months or even years to gain weight, so don't expect it to go away overnight. Work hard, have patience, and the results will come.


If you're struggling in the patience department I cannot recommend enough that you read our article: 

The Most Important Muscle For Success: Patience


Mindset can make all the difference, day in and day out I see people who are making progress and get in their own head, get in their own way and talk themselves right out of doing the things that are working.


Stick with it, don't quit and continue to make improvement a habit, you've got this!